NYC Restaurant Fire Safety Tips
Fire Safety is not only our business, but everyone’s business. Every now and then something will be brought to our attention which we like to pass on. For instance, you can have all the best fire suppression and commercial cooking equipment in the world, and still, a kitchen blaze can put you out of business.hy?
Because of the human element. You cannot design away how people act, or how they will react under stress. For instance do all of your employees know what the evacuation protocols are, where the exits are and if they are accessible and clear? What about the fire extinguishers. Your chefs may know how to make great dishes but do they know how to properly use a fire extinguisher in the commercial cooking environment to put out a fire?
We at Master Fire are committed to always being on the lookout for not only the best in breed technologies that save lives, but also the best resources for the lay person. Here is a link that we found for the city of Medford, OR that all your commercial kitchen staff should review regarding restaurant fire safety tips.
Please keep in mind that there is no substitute for good common sense. However, smart design, consistent inspection and the right NYC fire safety protection services company are all good elements to have in place. For commercial kitchen operators in Manhattan, the choice is clear. Choose the company with a forty year track record of servicing restaurant owners, Master Fire Prevention.
Master Fire Prevention services all five boroughs in New York City as well as Westchester, White Plains, Yonkers, parts of Long Island and Northern New Jersey. If you would like to know more, visit our YouTube channel at where you can see dozens of short informative videos about fire suppression, fire sprinklers, fire extinguishers and other fire safety topics.