Fire Extinguisher Sales Service NYC

Fires seem to be in the news almost daily. Unfortunately in all too often tragic ways. No one can ever be 100 percent protected against a fire breaking out.And the one thing you can hope for is that it’s not you, who are the subject of some tragic news report. That means you need to make sure to take the appropriate measures in order to safe guard your loved ones and property. If you’re a business owner, you’re mandated to do so.
The key is to minimize one’s risks; by having a functional smoke and carbon monoxide detector; a working and charged fire extinguisher and most importantly, a plan of escape should a fire break out in your home or business. In fact, if you had to use a fire extinguisher right now, would you even know what to do? How to spray, what to aim at and from what distance. If you don’t, please go now to our youtube channel (link below).
If you walk right now through your business, whether it’s a medical office, law firm, restaurant, hotel, sports bar, night club or any other type of commercial, manufacturing, or industrial establishment, what do the tags say? Simply put, are your tags up to date? If they’re not your putting lives at risk, and facing a stiff fine, which in New York City can be quite steep.
NYC business owners from the Bronx to Brooklyn, Manhattan to Queens and Staten Island have come to trust Master Fire Prevention with all their fire extinguisher needs including; fire extinguisher sales and service, fire extinguisher inspection, fire extinguisher recharging and disposal as well as fire extinguisher maintenance. If you don’t know the difference between the different classes of fire extinguishers (Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D), or the types (wheeled units, ABC Multipurpose Extinguishers, BC Dry Chemical Extinguishers, Water Pressure Extinguishers, Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers, Class ‘K’ Extinguishers), don’t worry. Master Fire has your back. We’ll make sure you have the right fire extinguisher for the right job.
Watch our V.P. of Operations Dolores Domenick explain the issues and differences in our short video above. And don’t forget to watch all of our short, informative videos about fire suppression, fire sprinkler, compliance, commercial cooking and more on our Youtube channel at
We’re only a phone call away at (718) 828-6474.