S-17 Wet Chemical Fire Suppression Inspection NYC
New York City has implemented the strictest new regulations in quite some time governing the inspection of all commercial cooking fire extinguishing systems. The penalties for non-compliance are severe so please read this important post. If you only glance at our RECENT JOBS BLOG or not at all, you should heed this warning.

As of July 17, 2023, it will be mandatory for all fire suppression technicians to have a certificate of fitness (“COF”), issued by the FDNY. Further all restaurants will need to show that fire suppression system has been inspected and certified by a suppression systems services contractor with said COF from the FDNY. That means the technician needs to be on the list of approved fire suppression contractors.

Further, as of October 2023, a general COF for the master fire suppression services company (the “Principal”), will be required to be certified for each brand of automatic fire suppression system they install, inspect, repair, test, and service.
The fire suppression services contractor is not permitted to work on suppression systems for which they do not maintain a unique manufacturer’s certification on file with the FDNY.

In most jurisdictions, a Certificate of Fitness is a document issued by a regulatory body or government agency that certifies that an individual or business has met certain requirements related to safety, health, or environmental regulations. In the case of the New York Fire Department, a Certificate of Fitness typically certifies that an individual and/or business has demonstrated competency in fire safety and prevention procedures. FDNY S-17 regulations refer to the guidelines for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of fire suppression systems in the 5 boroughs of New York City.

The regulations require building owners to ensure that all fire suppression systems on their premises are inspected, tested, and maintained according to the guidelines set forth in the S-17 standard. These guidelines include requirements for the frequency of inspections and tests, the qualifications of personnel conducting the inspections, and the documentation of all inspections and tests. For restaurants and establishments that have commercial cooking facilities, that means wet chemical fire extinguishing systems as well, and the new rules and regulations governing their inspection, testing and servicing. Wet chemical suppression systems are in effect elaborate automatic extinguishing systems, also known as an “AES”.

Building owners must also ensure that all fire extinguishers are properly mounted, located in accessible areas, and have clear signage indicating their location. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines and penalties. It is possible that there have been updates or changes to the FDNY S-17 regulations since my knowledge cutoff date, so it’s best to consult official sources or contact the FDNY directly for the most up-to-date information.
Here is a link to the new regulations on the New York City Fire Department’s website: https://www.nyc.gov/site/fdny/business/all-certifications/cof-s17.page

Want to know more about the new regulations? Here’s what you can do.
Contact the New York City Fire Department Office or the local fire department in your area. They can provide you with specific regulations, requirements, and guidelines for the inspection, testing, and servicing of commercial cooking wet chemical fire suppression systems.
To see what the professionals at Master Fire Prevention do everyday, visit our RECENT JOBS BLOG and check out our YOUTUBE CHANNEL for lots of helpful and informative videos. Don’t forget to FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM too.
So remember, when it comes to getting your FDNY S-17 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM INSPECTION NYC Certificate of Fitness trust Master Fire.
New York City has implemented the strictest new regulations in quite some time governing the inspection of all commercial cooking fire extinguishing systems. The penalties for non-compliance are severe so please read this important post. If you only glance at our RECENT JOBS BLOG or not at all, you should heed this warning.
As of July 17, 2023, it will be mandatory for all fire suppression technicians to have a certificate of fitness (“COF”), issued by the FDNY. Further all restaurants will need to show that fire suppression system has been inspected and certified by a suppression systems services contractor with said COF from the FDNY. That means the technician needs to be on the list of approved fire suppression contractors.
Further, as of October 2023, a general COF for the master fire suppression services company (the “Principal”), will be required to be certified for each brand of automatic fire suppression system they install, inspect, repair, test, and service.
The fire suppression services contractor is not permitted to work on suppression systems for which they do not maintain a unique manufacturer’s certification on file with the FDNY.
In most jurisdictions, a Certificate of Fitness is a document issued by a regulatory body or government agency that certifies that an individual or business has met certain requirements related to safety, health, or environmental regulations. In the case of the New York Fire Department, a Certificate of Fitness typically certifies that an individual and/or business has demonstrated competency in fire safety and prevention procedures. FDNY S-17 regulations refer to the guidelines for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of fire suppression systems in the 5 boroughs of New York City.
The regulations require building owners to ensure that all fire suppression systems on their premises are inspected, tested, and maintained according to the guidelines set forth in the S-17 standard. These guidelines include requirements for the frequency of inspections and tests, the qualifications of personnel conducting the inspections, and the documentation of all inspections and tests. For restaurants and establishments that have commercial cooking facilities, that means wet chemical fire extinguishing systems as well, and the new rules and regulations governing their inspection, testing and servicing. Wet chemical suppression systems are in effect elaborate automatic extinguishing systems, also known as an “AES”.
Building owners must also ensure that all fire extinguishers are properly mounted, located in accessible areas, and have clear signage indicating their location. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines and penalties. It is possible that there have been updates or changes to the FDNY S-17 regulations since my knowledge cutoff date, so it’s best to consult official sources or contact the FDNY directly for the most up-to-date information.
Here is a link to the new regulations on the New York City Fire Department’s website: https://www.nyc.gov/site/fdny/business/all-certifications/cof-s17.page
Want to know more about the new regulations? Here’s what you can do.
Contact the New York City Fire Department Office or the local fire department in your area. They can provide you with specific regulations, requirements, and guidelines for the inspection, testing, and servicing of commercial cooking wet chemical fire suppression systems.
Consult with industry associations such as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) or the International Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Association (IKECA). These organizations provide guidelines and best practices for the inspection, testing, and servicing of commercial cooking equipment.
Looking up relevant New York City Fire Code regulations is always a good idea if you are a restaurant owner in Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens or Staten Island.
Consider hiring a fire suppression technician who is certified by a recognized organization such as the National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors (NAFED) or the International Code Council (ICC). These Certifications demonstrate to the appropriate oversight authorities your technician’s expertise and knowledge in the field (just Like FDNY’s S-17), and may even be required by certain jurisdictions.
To see what the professionals at Master Fire Prevention do everyday, visit our RECENT JOBS BLOG and check out our YOUTUBE CHANNEL for lots of helpful and informative videos. Don’t forget to FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM too.
So remember, when it comes to getting your FDNY S-17 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM INSPECTION NYC Certificate of Fitness trust Master Fire.